Sunday, February 12, 2017

TOOOOOO Much Opinion, not enough information. So here is my opinion

Article after article, opinion piece after opinion piece, all stating that Trump is an embarrassment,  a loose cannon, a court jester in the Emperor's cloak and sceptre.  These articles do not go so far as to label him the anti-well not Christ because that would not be Christian, have failed to record the one thing that is so obvious to me.  He is a smoke screen, a boil of the ass of the political machine, a temporary distraction so that the Grand Old Party's leading senators and representatives can slip elements of their own agenda under the door while we all pay attention to the dancing clown.

Trump is a smoke screen while those "leaders" who lack integrity, sitting on their gilded chairs sporting smug expressions or looking like they just crapped themselves, systematically try to dismantle the elements of our country that were designed to prevent monopoly, protect the environment, provide for the education of children, ensure our workers are protected from shortcuts to satisfy greed, perform scientific research, stop global climate change, promote the American Dream, protect the fund that was created to care for our older workers and provide a level of medical support after decades of building America (you know the stuff we pay for from every check), protect your investments and your homes from unscrupulous persons in private institutions, send foreign relations back to the cold war (even if just for a weekend), rape the national parks, remove protections against sort of religious influences of government and the manner in which its citizens are guaranteed their rights to choose, maintaining civil rights, and equal rights for women, LGBT, minorities and just plain anybody who thinks differently from them. 

What to do, what to do?  Attend a town hall meeting, do some letter writing, create a blog, do some research and not just regurgitate the news articles that suite your political beliefs. Look at your kids and figure out what type of future you want them to have.  Take a look outside and imagine a government employing eminent domain to take a chunk of your back yard to make life more convenient for a corporation that does nothing for you.  Go to a national park and picture a fancy oil rig cranking away while you watch for bear heading toward an elementary school (that's ok though, we got us some guns there too). 

What not to do?  What not to do?  Drop the With US or A GIN US mentality. Stop the Mansplaining, the Womansplaining (cause that happens too) and just start sharing your opinions in a civil tone and mature manner, using more than just one legitimate source of information (not like an opinion from a snarky article). Stop the SNARK.  If you have something useful to contribute then do so IF NOT Shut Up!   I am sure you have a lovely speaking voice but you needn't always exercise your vocal cords. It may make life a little more quiet but that is a good thing.  Oh there is so much more to do and not to do but, it may be worth your time to think about what works best for you (just think like a human and drop the bravado Murican BS).

Side note: Oh and BTW when in our childhood did we ever have access to this many $%^ing guns that we had to have armed persons in our schools?  Hell I listened when the janitor told me to get my shit together but, he was smarter than I would ever be.  But let's do some math, We have more personally owned guns, we have more people mishandling and incidents everyday with guns, we have more "ACCIDENTS" involving these poorly stored (ok left on the coffee table, in the open purse, in the pocket on the back of the driver's seat in the truck, etc) guns and the victims are those who we are claiming we have them to protect. 

And if it slipped by you while the pot stirring assholes in the Alternative facts media and front men and women had your attention, WE survived a Black President who did a pretty good job despite the meat cake called congress that was hung around his neck and nobody was locked into a WALMART FEMA Death Camp, no one came for anyone's guns, no one tried to force you into tofu infused state of confusion with out your massive sugary drink (not available in NYC).  People around you just pretty much lived their lives and while those you who dreadfully feared him held him at bay through prayer and Chinese made multicolored magic ribbon talismans (only $9.99 while supplies last). 

OK Back to the original point. You know the Trump and Congress thing; Think I am reaching, well go take a look for yourself at the over 1800 pieces of legislation that have been introduced by this 115th Congress and think about it yourself.

1 comment:

  1. At least you will be able to tell us what happened when it's over.
