Friday, July 19, 2013

Change is a comin!

     No I'm not climbing Mt Schmatterhorn, nor inventing anything new or different, nor changing my marital status (you gotta get a date first).  Nope I'm just moving.  I have decided that in order to effectively complete my degree in art at age 53, I will have to limit my distractions.  I am going back to basics with nothing but a pile of wood, a few necessary tools, lots of cans of finish, and painting and sculpting supplies.  And a really good camera.  You should  see the photos that come off this thing, really awesome. Oh you will in a couple of weeks.  See this is just the warm up, the tease, the bait on the hook as it were.

     OK "What good could come of that?"  you ask.  Well I find that when I have things that everyone finds essential to living, furniture, pictures on the walls, a television with 900 channels of nothing on, a lawn, a garden, a grill; well I get complacent.  My creativity is stifled.  My brain becomes idle and I get fat.  I grew some really awesome vegetables but it was a drag to weed the garden with this 20 extra pounds riding on my gut. 
     So next month, I am loading up the Car and RV and moving down the road to a one bedroom with a garage.  It is going to be an adventure as I do everything on the cheap, minimally and with little more than inspiration and a little luck.  Yes I am keeping my connection to the interweb but it will be limited to twice daily checks of email, the occasional trolling of the FaceSpace and posting here the projects that take me from frontiersman living (in a climate controlled 1 bedroom flat) to luxury of the reused refuse of woodworkers and new stuff by me.  Pictures will be posted from start (10 Aug move in) to finished and some interesting developments along the way.  Pinteresting enough I will be building a board to accompany this blog so you can check the progress.

     Is this a social experiment?  Will the DiscoveryDIY channel be filming?  Can we count on a book at the end?  Will these new items be available to purchase via the interweb?  No. No. No. Hell Yeah everything is for sale and hopefully some free stuff will be available for the faithful followers.  See now that I have included the words free stuff, you will all be flocking in to gather ye rosebuds.  Bait again.  I am shameless. 

     There is a good chance that this will lead to all sorts of attention and some admonishment.  Brands will be promoted, techniques will be shared in a limited capacity, sponsors will be sought out (the free stuff part) and I will be willing to explore the possibility of the government monitoring my blog too.  Hey everybody wants to Upcycle so why not the nice people at NSA too. 

     I will be happy to entertain comments, critiques, guest appearances, but be polite will ya?  Nobody likes an interweb idiot and unfounded comments by dumbasses will be dealt with by use of the deletion key or some public flogging if it gets really stupid.  So remember what your mother, grandmother, great grandmother of some wise aunt told you once, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your pie hole shut ya moron".

     Enjoy, get excited about the prospects, leave comments and by all means send Upcyclable ideas.  I can't think of everything you know.

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