Saturday, January 28, 2017

What I am not putting on facebook anymore.

So what must we do? Regardless of party affiliation it is time to choose more wisely those whom we choose to represent us in government. Local, leads to state, leads to national and it is by no means the loudest voice that should be the only voice heard.

If you want a person to speak for you, you should choose a person whom you truly believe in, not who tells you what you want to hear. A person who looks you in the eye when they speak, who does not tell you something to quell your fear but someone who inspires you. A person who can be approached with an unpopular question and answer it with authority based on knowledge of real facts.

And if you don't well, look what happened this time.

Oh I am not talking about POTUS only (who still makes me throw up a little each time I hear him speak). The gerrymandering of congressional districts has brought us a whole crap load of politicians who would sell off public lands, dictate your rights into as small a package as possible, step in line in front of deserving veterans for health care, produce nothing but a number of bills that are used to line their pockets and produce as much wealth for themselves as possible to prepare for the day when we finally wake up to their intent. And if you are expecting POTUS to veto these bills well just look at the EOs that have been signed already.

I am not proposing anything more than education about whom you would cast your vote for. I watched a "grass roots" movement fail because people listened to lies produced about perfectly competent leaders and chose obstructionists backed by the rich using the promise of real change in government (tea anyone) to promote their agenda.

I have heard politicians collapse under the weight of a wave of popular opinion because they have grown tired of the fight and allowed themselves to be swept along with the fear mongers and racists (never Trump movement you say? Well not really), because they can use this guy to get what they really want.

I have seen religion hijacked.

I have seen oppression covered in the frosting of a wedding cake in the name of a savior become a bill in congress.

I have seen the signing of a document that closes the door to a group of people who follow the teachings of one prophet (or is that profit) over another.

I have seen the ill defined loosening of restrictions for Qualified people to carry concealed weapons across state lines, if its okey dokey with where they are taking them. (And who is it that deems them qualified, the gun dealer at a gun show?)

I have seen the suppression of the media, the alternative fact presentation, the demand for the answer that suits the ego of the Empirer (crowd size matters, I won but, I could have won better, cheaters).
And all this happened in just one week. What the hell do we have to look forward to for the next 93 days?

I stand by my position to encourage everyone to take the time to read what our legislators are proposing for the coming years.